User Interface Translations - some translations missing / not updating

Hi commcare gurus,

Was really successful translating most of the user interface translations.
Great interface,

There are a few variables in the opendatakit.collect file I could not find in the variable
list here
21 - forward to\nnext\nprompt
26 - back to\nprevious\nprompt

30 - Cancel

45 - Saved Forms

112 - This Form is Completed

133 - Save Form and Exit

146 - Please save form to keep your
180 - Save Changes

188 - Text Font Size189 - Text Font Size

Also, I'm having trouble with odk_invalid_answer_error
I reported this in build 434 or 438 of OttoClave App (within test-space
I tried to change the translation to "माफ गर्नुहोस यो जबाफ अनिवार्य चाहिन्छ

  • Sorry, This response is required" but it didn't appear on the phone when

Finally, my only recommendation for improvement would be bulk upload of
translations (similar to bulk user upload).

Thanks for all the help. CommCare is an amazing product.



Have you tried entering translations for any of those following the same
format? (IE: "odk_quit_entry")? It's possible we just missed them when
making that list, but would be very good to know if so. I think the "Text
Font Size" strings probably aren't translatable currently.

When you try to translate "odk_invalid_answer_error " does the app just
keep the same response? Does the question itself have a constraint message,
by any chance?
