Updates to API endpoint noted - any changelogs

Is there any online changelog or other notice to alert us when something changes to an API endpoint (for example)?
Previously we used to use the location_type API at the following endpoint:

Today things broke - the above doesn't work and we discovered we had to use the following endpoint:

Do these (and other changes directly affecting users) get documented in a changelog for future heads up?

Hi Ed, apologies, this was a bug. There is a changelog coming about a new URL format, but these changes were supposed to be backwards-compatible, with both formats supported. Any backwards-incompatible changes to the API should be communicated in advance. Ironically, this is part of an effort to better communicate process and expectations around API versioning.

The first URL type you mentioned should still work (and should continue to work for the forseeable future). The bug is that the related resource fields in the location and location_type APIs use the v1 URL format instead of the version used in the initial request. Could you confirm this aligns with what you're seeing?

A fix for this issue has been merged, and should go out on the next deploy. I'll follow up here when I know when that's happening.

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Thanks Ethan, we totally understand. Stuff happens :slight_smile:
Appreciate the feedback!


The fix should be deployed now, please let us know if you run into anything else.

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