I want to update a parent case property when from the subcase. I can access the parent properties and use them for some calculations but I can not see how to update their value from the child case. I read that it is possible on the link (Child Cases - CommCare Public - CommCare Public) but it does not show how.
Can you please tell how it can be done? I want to update one parent property when I close the child case.
If it's a case property of the parent case, then you should be able to see the property in the "App Properties" box on the app builder. you can also try this format (#case/parent/case_property_name)
One thing to point out here is that you can update the parent case property from the child case follow ups/registration, but not the other way around. changes to the parent case will not be reflected in the child case.
On the case management page you can also type the word "parent" and it will show you the case properties for the parent. See the attached image for the example.