Unable to sync data to server

Hi my name is Lucia,
I am trying to sync my data from my tablet but receive this pop up "Having issues communicating with the server to send forms. Will try again later."

I doubled checked to ensure my internet connection is ok but still receive this pop up. Need assistance.

Hi Lucia,

Three things which may help diagnose a problem:

  1. From the CommCare login screen, if you click on the "three-dot" menu in the upper right, and navigate to "Go to App Manager" then again click the three dot menu and go to "Connection Test" there is a tool that may surface incompatibilities
  2. Navigating to https://www.commcarehq.org/ on the phone's browser can sometimes identify problems between your phone and the server
  3. Making sure you are on the latest release of CommCare from the Google Play store. There have been some changes in the last 3 months to ensure that Android 4.4 devices have up to date network security configurations, for instance.

Dear Clayton,

Thanks for the steps outlined.

Your 3rd option helped solve my problem.

