Unable to run comm care HQ on single server

Hi Team,
could you please check and revert back correct instructions to install the software on single server.

Hi, @cpuneetvyas .

I just want to confirm that the following settings have been set up? It's required as part of step 2.

Yes it is done when wer run bash cchq-install.sh install-config.yml
using root user.

At stage 4 it is giving this error.

In install.config file we have given the public key for dhira user and user name as "dhira".

Step 4: Setting up users and SSH auth

I have attached the image.

Could you please share some thoughts on this and how to overcome this error.

@CharlSmit any help?

Hi @cpuneetvyas

Couple of things for you to check:

  1. Are you able to ssh with the user dhira manually? I assume you are running the commands from your local system, so if you run ssh dhira@<ip-addr>, does that work?
  2. In case the first does not work. Are you still able to ssh as root? And then can you check the pub keys present in the ~/.ssh/ folder to confirm if the public key of your machine (the one at ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub) is present on the server? If yes, then in which file.

i am able to move forward but stuk at this step:


when i run this command as per above example:

$ manage-commcare-cloud configure

it says command not found

@mkangia plz suggest any step by step document to install comm care hq on single machine i am really tired up with lack of documentation

now i am able to see inside cchq enviornemnt all services running which URL i can access to open comm care HQ

Hi @cpuneetvyas

You should be able to access at the site host mentioned in proxy.yml file, the one you set it in Step 10 on the documentation, Install Using Commcare-Cloud on one or more machines — CommCareHQ Deployment documentation

Thanks i am able to run commcare hq regarding the media content can we point comm care HQ to use S3 bucket to store media content and db point to s3 url

Hi @cpuneetvyas

regarding the media content can we point comm care HQ to use S3 bucket to store media content


In the public.yml file for your environment, you can define the following settings:

  • s3_blob_db_enabled
  • s3_blob_db_url
  • s3_blob_db_s3_bucket

You can find an example of those settings here: commcare-cloud/environments/production/public.yml at master · dimagi/commcare-cloud · GitHub

In the vault.yml file, you will need to add:

  • s3_blob_db_access_key
  • s3_blob_db_secret_key

That should allow you to use S3 to store form and multimedia submissions.

@Norman_Hooper i can see files are uploaded into S3 can you please suggest do i need to change any source code so that it can downlaod the file correctly and system work correctly?

Oh my goodness @cpuneetvyas it looks like you have exposed your access key ID and secret access key in your localsettings.py file on the public Internet!

Please change them in AWS immediately.

In future, you should use environment variables like "AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID" etc. as the commented-out lines suggest.

do i need to change any source code so that it can downlaod the file correctly and system work correctly?

I don't think you need to change any source code.

I am not sure at what point things are not working correctly. It sounds like you have a CommCare app that collects multimedia (maybe photos and/or audio). You have submitted some forms using the app, and you can see that the multimedia is in S3. ... Am I correct so far?

How, or where, are you trying to download the media that is not working?

Or are you asking what the different ways of downloading the media are?

Sorry for my confusion.