Unable to run a new commcare app , Unable to find lookup table "jr://fixture/commcare:reports". Make sure it exists and this user has access to it

I moved a working app from another domain to a new one. I recreated the UCR report that the app needs. When I try running the app , I am getting this error message "Unable to find lookup table "jr://fixture/commcare:reports". Make sure it exists and this user has access to it."

Can anybody please explain to me what the problem is and how to fix this issue?

it's looking for a lookup table called reports that you don't have in your project space


Thanks for the reply @Mazz ,

That app do not access a lookup tabled called Reports. I checked and there is no Report Lookup on the domain where I copied the app from.

This error only occurs when I added Report Menu to the application, which should display a web report on the mobile.

ah I see, I am not familiar with this feature, so maybe it's looking for a report called reports?

Yes , I changed the menu name to a different name but its displaying the same error. We also don`t have any web or mobile reports named 'reports'.

FYI : All UCR related feature flags are turned on.

sounds like a support request then probably

On a simulator, it opens the app successfully but clicking the menu, it displays the error.

Error Message

Hi @andyasne ,

Wanted to quickly check after recreating the UCR report, did you also perform the sync (through the Sync Icon) ?
I recently had this message popped up and it was resolved after sync. This is because report fixtures are made available after user sync/restore .

Thank you @ayadav , It worked on the real device after syncing.
Form player is still displaying that error after clearing user data and syncing.

@andyasne this looks to me like a compatibility issue between mobile UCR v1 and v2. In v1 all reports were under a single fixture called commcare:reports, but in v2 each report is a standalone fixture.

Essentially it sounds like your app is referencing v1, but the restore probably has v2 reports. There should be a "Mobile UCR Restore Version" setting on the app settings tab, depending on what flags you have enabled. Do you see this? What is it set to? I'd guess if you switch it to ensure it's the same as the original app, this should work.

look the question where it uses lookup table. Create the lookup table in you new domain/space. Link the table again. on the app simulator click setting and click done.