Sorting list of multiple choice cases as choices

Hi everyone,

I'm using the Multiple Choice Questions using Cases as Choices functionality
in my app. Currently, they are displaying in (seemingly) random order.
Ideally, I would be able to display my list in alphabetical order. Is
there a way to control the order in which the cases display in the list?


Hi Lexa,

Unfortunately this isn't yet a feature that we currently support as a
result of limitations in one of our core tools, I'm sorry about the

We have an idea of how we'd implement this feature, and we have a backlog
of these kinds of small feature requests on a tool called uservoice which allows people to raise and vote on what
changes they most want to see in the tool without being driven by
contracted development. On a quick search I was surprised to not see this
feature there, since it's a limitation that has come up in the past, but
feel free to add it as something you'd like to see in the future!


ยทยทยท On Thu, Jul 21, 2016 at 4:00 AM, wrote:

Hi everyone,

I'm using the Multiple Choice Questions using Cases as Choices functionality
in my app. Currently, they are displaying in (seemingly) random order.
Ideally, I would be able to display my list in alphabetical order. Is
there a way to control the order in which the cases display in the list?


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Just checking in to see if sorting of a list of cases in a multiple choice question is supported yet. I found this posting from 2016 that indicated it was not, and included a now broken link to the CommCare uservoice.

Now that we have case lists working as select items, the seemingly random order of the items is definitely not user friendly. If possible, we'd also like to use something other then the case name as the item text (e.g. another case property or, ideally, combination of case properties).

Thanks, Ray

Hi Ray,

You are now able (since mobile version 2.38) to supply a "Sort Field" as part of lookup table data in Multiple Choice and Checkbox questions.

One quick note: If you don't see the Sort Field entry underneath the Value Field and Display Text Field in the UI, you may need to change your "CommCare Version" under the application's Advanced Settings to be the latest (2.44.5). That will ensure that any devices which already have the app installed will be forced to update to the latest Mobile Binary before they will receive any new versions which include the new app definition.
