Restrict Web User access based on location


it seems like restriction for web users based on their location haven't
been added to AsyncLocationFilter. So currently even if we have checked
"Restrict Web User access based on location" in "Web Users & Roles"
screen, and web user has location specified, this user still can see
data from all locations. I remember that before migrating to Filters,
with AsyncLocationField this dropdown was getting disabled so one
couldn't access information from other locations. Was this a desired
omission or would it be good to add it back?

Currently we are preparing support for multiple locations per user for
our client (Cory confirmed it would be ok to add it). So concerning
missing restriction functionality - does it make sense to modify loading
locations to the filter so it only loads locations to which user have
access? As it seems that just making the filter disabled only makes
sense with single location per user.

Best regards

Hi Pawel,


it seems like restriction for web users based on their location haven't
been added to AsyncLocationFilter. So currently even if we have checked
"Restrict Web User access based on location" in "Web Users & Roles" screen,
and web user has location specified, this user still can see data from all
locations. I remember that before migrating to Filters, with
AsyncLocationField this dropdown was getting disabled so one couldn't
access information from other locations. Was this a desired omission or
would it be good to add it back?

I believe that this is an oversight, and it should be added back.

Currently we are preparing support for multiple locations per user for our
client (Cory confirmed it would be ok to add it). So concerning missing
restriction functionality - does it make sense to modify loading locations
to the filter so it only loads locations to which user have access? As it
seems that just making the filter disabled only makes sense with single
location per user.

Yeah, just limiting the results to the choices they have access to seems
like a good approach.


··· On Fri, Apr 25, 2014 at 11:36 AM, Paweł Reise wrote:

Best regards


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