Required questions at the end of a form

Hello, would it be possible to skip required questions in a module and then be prompted at the end of the form to complete the required questions rather than being prevented from moving through the form by required questions?

Thank you!

Hi Julia!

Yes, you can create this interaction inside of your forms using Required Conditions to defer making fields required until some triggered condition at the end of the form. After the condition is set, if a user presses "Finish" they will be directed back to the first question they didn't answer.

I made a quick toy sample you can copy and paste into the question tree in clean form in the form builder to demonstrate how you can set this up.

Form Builder clip	version 1
id	type	labelItext:en-default	constraintAttr	requiredAttr	requiredCondition
/deferred_validations	Group	null	null	null	null
/deferred_validations/multichoice	Select	Required Multichoice	null	true	#form/deferred_validations/ready_to_submit = 'yes'
/deferred_validations/multichoice/one	Choice	One	null	null	null
/deferred_validations/multichoice/two	Choice	Two	null	null	null
/deferred_validations/multichoice/three	Choice	Three	null	null	null
/deferred_validations/text_entry	Text	Required Text Entry	null	true	#form/deferred_validations/ready_to_submit = 'yes'
/deferred_validations/copy-1-of-multichoice	Select	Validated Multichoice (can't be two)	#form/deferred_validations/ready_to_submit != 'yes' or . != 'two'	null	null
/deferred_validations/copy-1-of-multichoice/one	Choice	One	null	null	null
/deferred_validations/copy-1-of-multichoice/two	Choice	Two	null	null	null
/deferred_validations/copy-1-of-multichoice/three	Choice	Three	null	null	null
/deferred_validations/ready_to_submit	MSelect	Ready to Submit?	null	true	null
/deferred_validations/ready_to_submit/yes	Choice	Yes	null	null	null