Question Type-Grid questions


I am developing an application and i need a particular question type i.e.
Grid questions because i have a long list of subfactors for a question and
having it in individual question format is time consuming for the
respondents as they have to manually swipe each questions.

Is there a way to display questions in a grid format or isit possible to
have afew questions appear on a single screen?

Many thanks in advance for your help! :slight_smile:

Kind Regards,

Hi Fiona,

You can find instructions for that on our help site here


ยทยทยท On Thu, Apr 9, 2015 at 1:23 PM, Fiona Lim <> wrote:


I am developing an application and i need a particular question type i.e.
Grid questions because i have a long list of subfactors for a question and
having it in individual question format is time consuming for the
respondents as they have to manually swipe each questions.

Is there a way to display questions in a grid format or isit possible to
have afew questions appear on a single screen?

Many thanks in advance for your help! :slight_smile:

Kind Regards,

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