Question to field mapping

Hi Ganesh,

I'm a bit confused by the question. The questions in the forms have
question IDs which correspond to the fields. In case management you
configure that on the applications page. Could you explain what information
you're missing? A link to your application would also help.


··· On Thu, Aug 7, 2014 at 3:31 AM, Ganesh Ghongane wrote:

Hello all,

I want to know that which question of my form is getting mapped to which
field in commcare form field.

For example In one of my mobile application have a question Name of Mother
? I know this field is getting mapped to name filed in commcare to its
respective form.
But there are some fields which I don't know exactly which questions are
they mapping.
So is there a way or kind of mapping somewhere in commcare where I can get
all the details about form question and what fields are they mapped?

Thanks in advance.


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