Product Update: Improvements to Enterprise Release Management

Hi All,

I am thrilled to make another announcement. We just released key updates to [Enterprise Release Management. (Also applicable to Multi-Environment Release Management)

Enterprise Release Management (ERM), which is only available on CommCare Enterprise, enables HQ's ambition of deploying pre-built digital solutions to local teams, which they get to customize or use as-is as a global standard. Be it a Global Indicator M&E app, an agency-standard Cash and Voucher Assistance solution, or a digital solution for delivering Malaria Campaigns. The new updates optimize ERM to allow local teams to better engage with such pre-built digital solutions, and even better leverage them for expediting local capacity.

Refer here to learn more about Linked Configurations. These new updates also apply to Multi-Environment Release Management available on our Pro and Advanced plans.

The next time you navigate to the ERM/MRM page, you will be able to walk through a guided experience articulating the new updates.

Thank you,