Notification labels (floating-green, yellow, red) not scrollable

Dear CommCare team,

We are using the floating-green, floating-yellow and floating-red to
display color-coded notification labels it works well few notifications
until the screen fills out. Once the screen fills out, the screen with the
notification labels cannot be scrolled. We have a big number of
notification labels for our forms (up to 32). I would appreciate your
guidance/thoughts on how to resolve this issue.


Hi Brian,

Unfortunately what you are seeing on those labels is the expected behavior.
The floating labels are intended to act as an informational component that
is relevant to the full contents of the information on the screen and that
is "more" relevant to the user and should thus be catching their attention
(for example a warning sign that a child being diagnosed is exhibiting
danger signs).

Currently there isn't a way to replicate the colored formatting of those
notifications for any widgets that appear inside of, rather than on top of,
the main question list. As a possible alternative, you could use images or
icons to signal priority information.


ยทยทยท On Thu, Dec 1, 2016 at 1:03 PM, Brian wrote:

Dear CommCare team,

We are using the floating-green, floating-yellow and floating-red to
display color-coded notification labels it works well few notifications
until the screen fills out. Once the screen fills out, the screen with the
notification labels cannot be scrolled. We have a big number of
notification labels for our forms (up to 32). I would appreciate your
guidance/thoughts on how to resolve this issue.


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