New API Versioning System (no action required)

CommCareHQ is introducing a new versioning system for its APIs. We will continue to maintain existing API endpoints without change, so if you have an existing integration, it will go on working as before.

The existing system groups all resources under a single version, for example:

Going forward, each resource will be versioned independently, which will be reflected by the new URL scheme:

This allows us to release new versions of individual resources without affecting all resources. All existing v0.5 resources are now also available at the corresponding v1 URLs, and existing v0.6 resources are available at the corresponding v2 URLs. We will maintain both URL formats for the foreseeable future. This announcement is not a deprecation warning.

We also recently published an explainer on the CommCare API Overview wiki page with more information on what your expectations should be regarding CommCareHQs API versions, such as what changes are allowed within a version, and what would prompt a new version. The rest of our API documentation will be updated to reflect the new URL format in the near future.

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