Multiple node error for checkbox questions in repeat group

I have a case type 'phc' and in repeat group for baby outcome with question id 'resuscitation' for checkbox questions. When I selected more than one for this checkbox questions, the error shows:
Calculation Error: Error in calculation for /data/delivery_baby_group/baby_outcome_and_procedure_info/resuscitation_delivery_repeat XPath nodeset has more than one node [instance(casedb)/casedb/case[2];instance(casedb)/casedb/case[3]]; cannot convert multiple nodes to a raw value. Refine path expression to match only one node.
Could you please give me a hand? Thanks.


This in most cases happens when the answer to this question is used as an input to another question, and that input is supposed to be a single field/object rather than a list.

Check through your questions and see which needs this one answered.

I can also help if you share more context.

All the best!

@Swe : Have you checked out this page on Commcare ?