Installation Issue with CommCare Cloud - Stuck on TASK [apt]

Hey Guys! I am trying to install CommCare HQ on a monolithic Ubuntu 22.04 server using the quick installation guide. During the installation process, it gets stuck at TASK [apt], and it doesn’t seem to proceed. The screen displays a row of asterisks, but there is no error message or progress.

I followed all prerequisites and configured the install-config.yml as directed. Has anyone else encountered this issue, or does anyone have advice on how to resolve this?

Additional Details:

  • Ubuntu Version: 22.04 LTS
  • Git and Python 3.10 are installed as prerequisites.

Any help would be appreciated!

Hey @gunichi ,
Thanks for reaching out.

I would request to follow below steps that might help in troubleshooting the issue.

  • Make sure the system dependencies were installed . Instructions available here.
  • Just run plain sudo apt update and see if it works successfully.
  • Try running the deploy command by adding -vvv to see verbose logs. This command is just for the said task that fails.
    commcare-cloud $env_name deploy-stack --skip-check --skip-tags=users -e 'CCHQ_IS_FRESH_INSTALL=1' -c local --quiet -vvv