I am importing data via Excel, but sometimes there are fields that don't need to be updated for the same case. I’m attaching this image to better explain what I mean.
I already have a date recorded in CommCare. When I make this import, the fields highlighted in yellow in the Excel file appear empty in CommCare, which erases the previous date and leaves it blank.
The issue is that when I load the file like this, the field becomes empty in the database. What I want to convey is that this field should not be updated, as I only want to import the data that is filled out in the Excel file.
I understand, if it is a possibility, I just wanted to know if there was a more direct way since it happens to me when I have to import 10 or 30 columns that are the same caseid but some data is already loaded and others are not.
I have to load column by column so that it is not modified when it is a blank space
this is actually working as designed.
a column that you put into the file says "I am interesting in this column for updating"
a case id tells the system which row to update
whatever is in the intersection is what you are saying you want to update to.
this is also because blanks mean "question was displayed to the user but the user did not enter a value and the question doesn't have a mandatory flag turned on".
I would have a think about my steps in performing these updates and try to make a data model in power bi or something that compensates for blanks