How to pre-populate some data / cases

My team usually has a registration form for new projects, and then does a
baseline survey as a follow-up form. We have a new project where we don't
need to do registration, we already have the participant list set. To avoid
having mobile workers input the participant data that we already have,
we're trying to think of what options we have (this is something we haven't
done before). We've thought of the following:

Baseline survey as the registration form, have participants in a lookup
table for mobile workers to select
Excel import list of participants as cases - have tried this, but then not
sure how to reference this in the follow-up form

Would be grateful for any help/suggestions - thanks!

Hi Jillian,

An excel Case Import definitely seem like the correct course. Can you
specify what you're unsure about in referencing these cases? Conceptually
you can think about imported cases as being identical to cases that you've
registered with a normal CommCare registration form, so you'd configure a
follow-up form for this case type and drag-and-drop the case properties
into your form as usual.


ยทยทยท On Wed, Aug 9, 2017 at 3:13 PM, Jillian Kenny wrote:

My team usually has a registration form for new projects, and then does a
baseline survey as a follow-up form. We have a new project where we don't
need to do registration, we already have the participant list set. To avoid
having mobile workers input the participant data that we already have,
we're trying to think of what options we have (this is something we haven't
done before). We've thought of the following:

Baseline survey as the registration form, have participants in a lookup
table for mobile workers to select
Excel import list of participants as cases - have tried this, but then not
sure how to reference this in the follow-up form

Would be grateful for any help/suggestions - thanks!

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