I have created a survey last year, this year I will create another survey with some modifications, I would like to ask the developer team if they can add an option for the web user will use to hide a survey.
For exapmle: I made a Survey called" BCC Data Collection 2018" and this year I am making another one called "BCC Data Collection 2019"
I does not need to delete the previous survey BCC Data Collection 2018 but by mistake and/or error a data collector could use the previous survey! I would like to request an option that will hide the survey on the device without deleting it on the server.
Hi, the link you shared is no longer working. I'm also trying to hide a survey module (not just a survey) -- can you reshare on how to go about that? I'm not seeing the option to edit display condition for the whole survey module (not just a single survey).