Help needed for app configuration and calculation of indicators

Hi everyone,

I have a form that registers activities (activ.A, activ.B, activ.C and activ.D) and I enroll participants in these activities. I have thought of creating a registration form in Module I to enroll trainees/participants. This form captures trainee’s details: First name, Last Name, Age, Gender, etc.

In Module II, I am thinking of creating for forms, each for each activity (A,B,C,D). All these forms have the same fields: date of activity, topic, facilitator, etc.

I want as indicators:

1.Total number of participants/trainees who attended** at least **one or two activities.

2.Total number of participants/trainees who attended all activities (A. B, C and D)

Fist, I would like to know if with this structure I can be able to get my output/indicators.

Please, can you help me with a step by step procedures for designing these indicators?

Any help is appreciated

Thanks in advance