Function to Convert Date to Day of the Week

Dear All,
I would like to convert the day part of a date to DAY of the week such as
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc) but can find the function to do just
that. Please help me if you can.

I have seen the TEXT function in Excel but that uses a Cell as an argument.


Hi Yaw,

According to this page on our helpsite:

Using the "format-date" function and '%a' will give you a three letter day
of the week (Sun, Mon, etc.)

example: format-date(date(/data/my_date),"%a") should retrun "Sun"

Hope that solves your problem!


ยทยทยท On Sun, Mar 20, 2016 at 6:25 PM, YAW ANTWI-ADJEI wrote:

Dear All,
I would like to convert the day part of a date to DAY of the week such as
(Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, etc) but can find the function to do just
that. Please help me if you can.

I have seen the TEXT function in Excel but that uses a Cell as an argument.


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Andrea Fletcher, MPH | Project* Manager | Dimagi, Inc.*
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United States: +1724.840.8809
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