Filter a choice in a lookup table by the preceding question that is a multichoice question

I am trying to filter a choice in a lookup table by the preceding question that is a multichoice question. i have a question of two choices and, one of the choices is supposed to affect the next question's choices by making one value disappear.

E.G if the respondent picks in-school girls status from options of In-school or out-school, the choice ought to affect the choice of states that display in the next question such that one state is omitted from the option list. How can this be done?


There are two ways to change the input options in a choice question

Option 1) If you have small sets of changes (like only wanting to filter out one choice) sometimes the easiest thing to do is simply to make two questions, one which contains all of the same options excluding the removed item, add a display condition to control which of the two questions are shown, then use a hidden value which chooses which ever question was displayed so there's one 'authoritative' answer location.

Option 2) You can use Lookup Tables to control the choices of a question, which will allow for powerful abilities to configure choices, but may add a lot of complexity to your app if you only need to make a limited change.


Very helpful. Thanks for the suggestions