Fields in list format downloaded data on excel are received in form of dotted lines as data for empty fields (---)

Greetings, I did add all fields in list format to a built assessment tool on CommCare but the downloaded data on excel are received in form of dotted lines as data for empty fields (---). This has caused my team a lot. Please kindly help me out. Many thanks in anticipation for solution.

Yeah I understand how that can be annoying. but think of it this way, other ways of representing a "null" value are:
1- null
2- blank
3- 0
4- " "
5- "."
6- etc...

using --- is because you need a specific way of determining if a question was displayed to the enumerator and left without an answer, vs, answering with a blank, vs answering with a space or a zero, or a default value of some kind.

I am not aware of a way where you can change that from the exporting side, but you can always perform a replace in powerbi or power query



Hi @Mazz I'm having the same issue.

When I make a Bulk upload all the data is well recorded, but when I input new data using the app available on the right side the case data downloaded appears in dotted lines.

Please, let me know why is happening this and how I can resolve it.

Best regards,

check the column names when you uploaded vs. when you enter data through the form.
regst_consent might be called consent in the form or vise versa.

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Thank you very much @Mazz!

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