Excel export integers changes last digits to zero


In the Commcare form, I have to record ID numbers of participants, and when I do export in excel, the last two or one digits changes to zero.

How to fix this?
Thank you.

Hi Geofrey,

Thanks for posting this. I think I can help you in this regard. As per my understanding, this issue occurs because Excel has a limitation where numbers longer than 15 digits are automatically converted into scientific notation, and the digits beyond the 15th position are replaced with zeros. Here are some resolutions to this issue:

  1. You can change the format of the cells in Excel to 'Text' before pasting the data. This will ensure that Excel treats the ID numbers as text and doesn't alter the digits.
  2. Alternatively, export your data as a CSV file and open it in a plain text editor or a tool like Google Sheets. Tools like these do not have the same limitations as Excel for long numbers.

I hope this will help you in resolving this issue. Let me know if you need further help.


Hi Shiv,

Thank you so much. This was so helpful.

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