Does Commcare ODK Store the Form Instances Encrypted in the Phone


I would like to know if Commcare can store the form instances encrypted in
the Phone. If yes: Is this Data is completely available without any extra
steps ( like using ODK Briefcase with ODK Collect and then Send to
Aggregate) when it is sent to the backend?

Thanks in advance,


All data used by CommCareODK is stored encrypted on-disk by AES. When
submitting to remote servers, the data is protected by authenticated HTTPS,
and is available to the back-end with no extra steps. CommCareHQ then
stores the data encrypted on-disk. For alternate servers, the data is made
available raw with no extra steps and they take responsibility for secure


ยทยทยท On Thu, Oct 11, 2012 at 10:57 PM, Natu Lauchande wrote:


I would like to know if Commcare can store the form instances encrypted in
the Phone. If yes: Is this Data is completely available without any extra
steps ( like using ODK Briefcase with ODK Collect and then Send to
Aggregate) when it is sent to the backend?

Thanks in advance,