Display the time control as 12 hour clock?

The standard format for the time control on a form is in a 24 hour clock. I know that a date control's appearance can be changed by setting the Appearance Attribute to gregorian. Is there anything like this for the time control to make it a 12 hour time?

Any help or suggestions would be much appreciated.

Hi Calvin,

By default CommCare uses the Device Locale and time settings to determine what type of clock format to display to the user. If you change your device time settings to 12 hr time, that should be reflected back in CommCare.

Can you try that out and let me know if that's not working?

Thank you so much for the response @Clayton_Sims. I double checked my device settings and it was indeed set to a 12 hour clock. However the commcare app was displaying as a 24 hour clock. See pics below:

However I know how these things can sometimes be so I switched the mobile device settings to a 24 hour clock, opened up the app checked it was still 24hr. Went back to mobile device settings and set it back to a 12 hour clock and it then it displayed as a 12 hour clock in the commcare app.

Thank you kindly for your assistance.

Hi Calvin,

Thanks for sharing that discovery! It's very helpful to know that this setting might require toggling multiple times, I'll see if we have a clear place where we can add that information into the documentation as a lead for other people.