Disable Android client menu options

I suspect I already know the answer to this question, but I hope I'm wrong.
Is there any way to disable the 'dangerous' menu options in the Android client? I'm particularly thinking of Advanced > Clear User Data (which in the wrong hands could delete a day or more's work, if the user has been out of network coverage).

Hi James

There are some options which are restricted for users to access on device without following an escalation procedure: https://confluence.dimagi.com/display/commcarepublic/CommCare+Developer+Options

Clear user data isn't currently in this category since it's used for maintenance operations, and we haven't seen significant issues with users triggering that action accidentally, but one option might be to translate the menu option to say something which discourages pressing it.


OK, thanks. I subscribe to the "if it can go wrong, it will go wrong" view (even if infrequently).