Creating cases using API

Hello everyone,
I use Commcare for PMTCT in Haiti. I'm curious to know if it is possible to
create cases through API ? Currently, we have to manually upload cases to
Commcare using excel data upload. I wish to automate the process.

I'm working on integration of commcare with our internal system using
commcare's API calls. I wish to create a case on Commcare as soon as it is
created on my internal system. I can make a POST call to Commcare API with
patient information. Is there a POST call to create case? Or only GET calls
are allowed for cases?
Alternatively, to create cases should I POST Registration form, basically
mimic mobile form submission?

Thanks :slight_smile:

··· -- Best Regards,

Piyush Madan

Hi Piyush

You can use the Submission API to
submit data to CommCare. This API accepts XML forms which can contain
CaseXML in them that
will be processed to create or update cases.

··· On 23 April 2015 at 10:56, Piyush Madan wrote:

Hello everyone,
I use Commcare for PMTCT in Haiti. I'm curious to know if it is possible
to create cases through API ? Currently, we have to manually upload cases
to Commcare using excel data upload. I wish to automate the process.

I'm working on integration of commcare with our internal system using
commcare's API calls. I wish to create a case on Commcare as soon as it is
created on my internal system. I can make a POST call to Commcare API with
patient information. Is there a POST call to create case? Or only GET calls
are allowed for cases?
Alternatively, to create cases should I POST Registration form, basically
mimic mobile form submission?

Thanks :slight_smile:

Best Regards,

Piyush Madan


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Simon Kelly
Senior Engineer | Dimagi South Africa