CommCareHQ Outage

Dear users,

We're sorry to report that CommCareHQ is currently down. It looks like
another issue with our hosting provider. We are looking into it urgently
and will report back when we have more information.

As always, there will be no data loss associated with this outage. Your
data submissions will remain on the mobile devices until CommCareHQ is up

We apologize for the inconvenience - we are putting our best people on this
to ensure we get the site up again as quickly as possible.


Dear Users,

CommCareHQ is back up and running as usual! All data and reports should be
up-to-date, and performance should be back to normal.

Thanks for your patience.


ยทยทยท On Thu, Feb 26, 2015 at 10:15 AM, Amelia Sagoff wrote:

Dear users,

We're sorry to report that CommCareHQ is currently down. It looks like
another issue with our hosting provider. We are looking into it urgently
and will report back when we have more information.

As always, there will be no data loss associated with this outage. Your
data submissions will remain on the mobile devices until CommCareHQ is up

We apologize for the inconvenience - we are putting our best people on
this to ensure we get the site up again as quickly as possible.
