Commcare Supply Function

Dear All ,

I would like to know how to use Commcare Supply? It's other function of commcare?
Commcare supply require to purchase? Commcare supply function can be use for stock control.? coz we have to prepare the commcare supply function.

Best With

Hi Lin,

Yes, CommCare Supply is a suite of tools built in to CommCare for logistics management. I'd suggest looking over the wiki for more information. This page has some helpful info and links to demos.

Dear Ethan,

So CommCare supply require to purchase from Dimagi right? this is for sperate issues.
I don't understand about commcare supply. how to get the commcare supply apk and how to test it.

To run CommCare Supply, you need to build a CommCare Supply application on CommCareHQ, and for that you need to reach out to Dimagi as described on that wiki page. They'll also be able to help you understand whether this is a good fit for your project. I don't believe you can use CommCare Supply on the community plan.

All features of CommCare Supply are built into the standard CommCare distributions, so you can just download the version available from the play store. If you want direct access to the apk and source code for CommCare and CommCareHQ, I'd start here:

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