Commcare - Multiple Select Lookup Table show selected ids and names in a label or hidden values


I am currently creating a commcare app that is used for monitoring using checklist. The checklist consists of Activities lookup table and benchmark lookup table. Activities are selected as checkbox where the staff can monitor more than one activity per time. The activity ids are used to filter the benchmark lookup table. All this works for me. However, I wanted to show the names of the activities monitored, and I have the ids but I am not able to search or display the names
qb_activity look up table has get these fields: field: qb_activity_id field: qb_activity_name field: theme_id field: qb_activity_weight

If I select only activity, I am able to display the name of the activity. However, If i select more than one activity then the label shows blank.

When I display the list of activities, I want to show the the ids of the activities and the names of the activities in hidden values so that I can visualise the activities monitored and the benchmarks monitored.

Hey Yahye -

what you are describing won't work straight out of the box.
you need to create a hidden calculation that concatenates the names of the activities, and then use that hidden calculation in the label.

you see, when you reference an element in a label, it needs to have 1 value. otherwise it doesn't know which value to show.

you might think, well then, show both!
yes. but it will not do it for you.