CommCare Cloud release notes 2019-02-15

About these release notes

If you run your own CommCare instance, these release notes are for you. As always, see for the most up to date release notes and release note history.

These release notes are not simply for your information, they are instructions for you to follow.

Each change includes manual steps for you to follow to apply changes to your environment configuration or infrastructure that will allow you to be on the latest versions of commcare-cloud and commcare-hq.

Inside the instructions for applying the maintenance for each change, it will tell you whether there are any environments it may not be necessary for. When in doubt, apply the steps for every change.

2019-02-11 Add tag to datadog http checks

This change adds “check_type” tag to the http_check datadog integration. This change applies only to envs using datadog for monitoring.

2019-02-11 Java upgrade for formplayer

Previously, Formplayer was running on Java 7. This change updates us to Java 8 for formplayer.

2019-02-01 Generalize load case from fixture feature

Previously loading a case from a fixture required the fixture to be an attribute. This change allows using non-attributes from the fixture.

2019-01-16 Fix encrypted temp directory permissions

This is a followup to Added encrypted temporary directory in which we introduced an encrypted directory for temp files. In its original implementation, this file was owned by root, and processes were unable to write to it.

This changes the directory to be owned by cchq, allowing our processes to write to the file.