Commcare Cloud Installation

Hello I have below errors with our commcare cloud please assist:

ssh comcare-usr@ -t -o UserKnownHostsFile=/home/comcare-usr/environments/monolith/known_hosts 'sudo -iu cchq bash -c '"'"'cd /home/cchq/www/monolith/current; python_env-3.6/bin/python check_services'"'"''
Ubuntu 18.04.3 LTS
SUCCESS (Took 0.61s) kafka : Kafka seems to be in order
EXCEPTION (Took 0.00s) redis : Service check errored with exception 'ResponseError('MISCONF Redis is configured to save RDB snapshots, but it is currently not able to persist on disk. Commands that may modify the data set are disabled, because this instance is configured to report errors during writes if RDB snapshotting fails (stop-writes-on-bgsave-error option). Please check the Redis logs for details about the RDB error.',)'
SUCCESS (Took 0.02s) postgres : default:commcarehq:OK p1:commcarehq_p1:OK p2:commcarehq_p2:OK proxy:commcarehq_proxy:OK synclogs:commcarehq_synclogs:OK ucr:commcarehq_ucr:OK Successfully got a user from postgres
SUCCESS (Took 0.01s) couch : Successfully queried an arbitrary couch view
FAILURE (Took 0.00s) celery : analytics_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:30:00)
async_restore_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:01:00)
background_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:10:00)
case_import_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:01:00)
case_rule_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 1:00:00)
celery has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:01:00)
celery_periodic has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:10:00)
email_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:00:30)
export_download_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:00:30)
repeat_record_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 1:00:00)
saved_exports_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 6:00:00)
ucr_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 1:00:00)
SUCCESS (Took 0.03s) elasticsearch : Successfully sent a doc to ES and read it back
SUCCESS (Took 0.07s) blobdb : Successfully saved a file to the blobdb
SUCCESS (Took 0.17s) formplayer : Formplayer returned a 200 status code:
SUCCESS (Took 0.00s) rabbitmq : RabbitMQ OK
Connection to closed.

Hello @fchiyenda ,

Thank you for your question. Could you give us some more information about your environment? Is this a new installation? Are you installing CommCareHQ on a cluster of servers, or on a monolith? If this is a new installation, were there any errors during the install?
Can you try running:

commcare-cloud <env> fab restart_services

and see if that helps?
If not, you can try running the installation playbooks again by following the instructions here:

Thank you very much this worked but currently we are having the formplayer error cannot connect to formplayer when trying to open application.

Looking forward to your advice.

Hi @fchiyenda ,

Happy to hear that worked.
Would you be able to give us more information about the formplayer errors? Are there any errors in the formplayer logs? In the browser console? The django logs?


Hello Farid

Sorry for taking time to respond currently we are face the following error when we try to access our applications.

Looking forward to your assistance.

It seems like one of the form attachments is missing from your linked application for some reason. Can you pull the latest version of the application from upstream and see if that resolves the issue?

Hello Farid. How do I go about to pull the application from upstream. And I am also getting the attached error. looking forward to your assistance.

Hello @fchiyenda
I was told that you were able to pull the latest version of the application. Can you please look at


and either send a screenshot of that or see if there are any errors listed there?

The next step would be to delete this application and create a new one based on the instructions that you followed previously.

@Farid_Rener there seem to be no errors should I proceed with the next recommended step. please ref to screenshot.

Hi @fchiyenda ,

Does the other application (Active Index Testing) work correctly?

I do think that the next step is to re-create the link with a new application.

Let me know how that goes.

  • Farid


We are still facing trouble can we have a call this evening so that we can complete the whole process if possible.