Hello from the CommCare Mobile Team,
The CommCare 2.43 pre-release is now available for QA. The pre-release is made available for any users or projects that would like to do their own testing of the next upcoming mobile release. As always, please report any issues you encounter in this pre-release version.
The most significant changes made in this release are as follows:
- Adds a class of logs viewable on-device from the App Manager that record important "data change" actions which occur in CommCare (installs, updates, migrations, etc.)
- Fixes an issue where image capture questions would result in a crash on Android M+ devices if camera permissions had not been granted to CommCare by the user
- Improved UI/UX for users to view the error message when a CommCare app update or install fails
- Better error message for when logic in a CommCare app results in trying to sort an empty list
- Fixes 2 bugs that resulted in logins being blocked after updating CommCare from a much older version
The Pre-Release build can be downloaded directly via the following link: https://jenkins.dimagi.com/job/commcare-android-2.43/lastSuccessfulBuild/artifact/commcare-android/app/build/outputs/apk/app-commcare-release.apk