Followed the steps and ran './manage.py populate_repeatrecords --log-path ~/couch2sql' command repeatedly to apply the change. Then, 0 document is migrated.
1. cchq echis django-manage shell -c '
from corehq.motech.repeaters.management.commands.populate_repeatrecords import count_docs;
print("Records to migrate:", count_docs())'
Records to migrate: 0
2. cchq echis django-manage shell -c '
from corehq.motech.repeaters.models import RepeatRecord;
size = RepeatRecord.get_db().info()["sizes"]["active"];
mult = int((int.bit_length(size) - 1) / 10);
unit = " KMGT"[mult].strip();
print(f"Couch DB file size: {size / (1024 ** mult):.2f} {unit}B")'
Couch DB file size: 59.36 KB
3. cchq@echis35:~/www/echis/releases/2024-04-02_01.40$ ./manage.py populate_repeatrecords --log-path ~/couch2sql
Migration is complete. Previously migrated 0 documents.
Use --override-is-migration-completed to inspect or reset.
Thank you,