Changed form name of new form, did not update in the api


I added a new form which had the default form name of Survey. I then updated the form name, but it still comes through as "Survey" in the API data.

I've had several publishes since then and none seem to update any of the form names of the newly added forms.

The name is correct in the Commcare front end, the form xml, but not when I retrieve any submitted data through the API.

Any idea for where the issue might be or why the name has not been updated?


Do you know what version of the app included the new form name? From the form data above, you can see that the app version used to submit this form was 338, was the form name still "Survey" in that version? If your users have not updated to the newer versions of the app, they will still submit old forms. You can check the Application Status report to see.