Celery service failing to run

I have run the following command "commcare-cloud monolith django-manage check_services" to check my services but iam getting message error below, any leads on what's causing this

FAILURE (Took 0.00s) celery : analytics_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:30:00)
async_restore_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0 :01:00)
background_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:10 :00)
case_import_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:0 1:00)
case_rule_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:10: 00)
celery has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:01:00)
celery_periodic has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:10: 00)
email_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:00:30)
export_download_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 0:00:30)
repeat_record_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 1 :00:00)
saved_exports_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 6 :00:00)
ucr_queue has been blocked for as long as we can see (max allowed is 1:00:00)

My guess based on those errors would be that there are no celery workers running or that rabbitMQ is down, since it appears that none of your queues are being processed.


What could be the problem why celery workers is not running?

You'd have to check the celery service logs for more information.
$ cchq <env> celery logs

There's some more information about specific issues on this page.