We faced the following error when trying to import case data. Case properties with dot(.) are not found in the drop down of the case properties to match with the excel fields. Is there a way to force the import?
Column names correspond to [case property names](https://confluence.dimagi.com/display/commcarepublic/Case+Configuration). They must start with a letter, and can only contain letters, numbers and underscores. Please update the following: indices.client.
Yes, some fields of the exported data from the previous database and the existing one have dot(.).
We tried to modify the excel field with underscore ( _ ) to match with the case properties. However, the fields with dot are not appearing in the dropdown to match the excel fields and case properties. It forces to use underscore (e.g. indices_client) even though the case property is 'indices.client'.
Ah, the indices.<something> type columns are referencing case indices (typically child cases where <something> is the case_type of the indexed case) and are not case properties on the case being imported, hence you won't be able to find those columns in the dropdown.
On a tangential note:
some fields of the exported data from the previous database
Are you importing the data to a fresh new database? If so, what happened to the database this was exported from?
I see. Let me know if you run into further issues with the import considering that case relationships are imported as described in the link in my previous comment.