Cannot evaluate the reference . No default instance has been declared!

Hi all,

I have created a display form condition, but it is not working.
In the image below, I have saved the encircled question as case property in the registration form (registo).

As the question has two options, I want to dislay form RAMJ - UHOLO Rapariga if registo_para_o_questionario_de = 'ramj_uholo_rapariga'

looking forward to solution



Try #case/registo_para_o_questionario_de='ramj_uholo_rapariga'

Hi @Latika_Bhosale,

I tried the first expression, but I get the following message:

In the end of form navigation dropdown list, we do not have the option display menu and then forms.



You are looking at end of form navigation for a "FORM"

what you want is to adjust the Menu setting for a "CASE LIST"

so click on the case list, make sure you select "display menu and then forms" and it should work, or at least give you a NEW error :slight_smile:

when you use the #case reference, you need to have a case in context. and if you show only forms, the user does not select a case first. therefor, the display condition will not know which case you are talking about. so first, select a case

Hi @Mazz,

As instructed, I have now selected "display menu and then forms" as shown in the image

But I still get the same error message


read the second point in that error