Can one phone be used to record SMS survey answers from multiple respondents


I am looking to conduct a survey using a group of data collectors who will
need to use their own phones to record the data on each person surveyed Is
that possible or does each response have to come from different phones to
be recorded as separate entries?

Many thanks in advance to you SMS gurus out there.

Hi Karana,

Yes, that's possible. In your situation, it sounds like you want to setup
multiple mobile workers who will be submitting SMS surveys about cases, so
if you haven't already, take a look at the wiki page on setting up keywords

Also note that you could probably do the same data collection over CommCare
mobile - whichever is easier or more suited to your specific project needs.


ยทยทยท On Fri, May 15, 2015 at 1:00 AM, karana olivier wrote:


I am looking to conduct a survey using a group of data collectors who will
need to use their own phones to record the data on each person surveyed Is
that possible or does each response have to come from different phones to
be recorded as separate entries?

Many thanks in advance to you SMS gurus out there.

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