Android App Callout to Web browser

I want the Commcare App to display a local html file in the device Web browser.
The link would be saved in a hidden value.

I am using a Android App Callout question for that.
I have set the External App of my callout to

Under Extra I have a hidden value that contains a URI to a website (for testing, later this should be a local file)

When I run the app and click on the corresponding button, I get Android's "open with" window. But the browser is not listed at all.
Moreover I don't want this window to appear but rather get directed to the web browser.

I assume that commcare somehow does not know that the browser exists?

The ODK equivalent using the ODK Collect is working. ODK successfully starts the web browser and directs to the website.

How can I configure this properly

Hi Rafael,

It's odd that the behavior is differing between the platforms (we should generally be using the same intent callout structure, but an intent callout might be a heavy mechanism for jumping out to the browser

You could also just format your reference as a Markdown Link inside of a question text, which should let the user jump out the same way, would that work for your use case?
