An easier way to log into CloudCare

Hi all,

We've heard from many of you that logging into CloudCare [1] -- our web
version of CommCare -- is a pain. Including "@[project space name]." to the end of the mobile username is pretty annoying.

Here's a trick for an easier way to log in:

  1. Instead of navigating to, navigate to
    Log In :: CommCare HQ - CommCare HQ[project space name]

For example, if your project space is called "maternalhealth", navigate to

  1. Log in using your mobile username and password. You do not have to use
    the email-style username - if your mobile username is "chw12" you can just
    type in "chw12"

You may find it helpful to bookmark this URL in your users browsers to make
this process even easier for them.

We'll work on formalizing this method of mobile user login so you don't
have to use this roundabout method. We'll let you know when that happens!


[1] Read more about CloudCare here: