Unable to sync data to servers


last month we moved blobdb storage from file system to s3_compatible minio. we managed the migration with the physical support from dimagi team. and it was successfull.

Yesterday, i 've seen the following issue while checking_services:
`EXCEPTION (Took 0.51s) blobdb : Service check errored with exception 'ValueError(u'Invalid $

Now i solved, the issue with by adding http to s3_blob_db_url: "" on public.yml file.

Now, am getting the following error while syncing data to the server.

Hi Demis,

That's really odd. It would be helpful to do a manual CURL submission to the server to see if you get back a useful error, or alternative to check the Django logs from HQ to see if it explains what issue is being encountered.


Hi Clyton,

I 've seen the logs:
tail -f echis0-commcarehq.django.log

for filter in filters

File "/home/cchq/www/echis/releases/2019-08-07_15.23/corehq/apps/userreports/reports/view.py", line 90, in
for filter in filters
File "/home/cchq/www/echis/releases/2019-08-07_15.23/corehq/apps/reports_core/filters.py", line 57, in get_value
return self.default_value(**kwargs)
File "/home/cchq/www/echis/releases/2019-08-07_15.23/corehq/apps/reports_core/filters.py", line 402, in default_value
choice_provider_default = self.choice_provider.default_value(request_user)
File "/home/cchq/www/echis/releases/2019-08-07_15.23/corehq/apps/userreports/reports/filters/choice_providers.py", line 287, in default_value
location = user.get_sql_location(self.domain)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_sql_location'

The same occured on: django.log

tail -f django.log

location = user.get_sql_location(self.domain)
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'get_sql_location'
2019-10-23 07:40:47,881 ERROR [u'Internal Server Error: /a/fmoh-echis/api/v0.5/configurablereportdata/e475d4c10874d7043bb82471322bd474/', u' File "tastypie/resources.py", line 228, in wrapper', u' File "tastypie/resources.py", line 477, in dispatch_detail', u' File "corehq/apps/api/resources/__init__.py", line 114, in dispatch', u' File "tastypie/resources.py", line 500, in dispatch', u' File "tastypie/resources.py", line 1384, in get_detail', u' File "tastypie/resources.py", line 1203, in cached_obj_get', u' File "corehq/apps/api/resources/v0_5.py", line 648, in obj_get', u' File "corehq/apps/api/resources/v0_5.py", line 621, in _get_report_data', u' File "corehq/apps/userreports/reports/view.py", line 90, in get_filter_values', u' File "corehq/apps/userreports/reports/view.py", line 90, in <dictcomp>', u' File "corehq/apps/reports_core/filters.py", line 57, in get_value', u' File "corehq/apps/reports_core/filters.py", line 402, in default_value', u' File "corehq/apps/userreports/reports/filters/choice_providers.py", line 287, in default_value']
2019-10-23 07:42:13,874 ERROR [u'NotFound', u' File "tastypie/resources.py", line 228, in wrapper', u' File "tastypie/resources.py", line 477, in dispatch_detail', u' File "corehq/apps/api/resources/__init__.py", line 114, in dispatch', u' File "tastypie/resources.py", line 500, in dispatch', u' File "tastypie/resources.py", line 1384, in get_detail', u' File "tastypie/resources.py", line 1203, in cached_obj_get', u' File "corehq/apps/api/resources/v0_5.py", line 646, in obj_get', u' File "corehq/apps/api/resources/v0_5.py", line 680, in _get_report_configuration']