Sub-menu error while clicking follow up form

I have a household registration form, which uses a repeat group to collect information on each of the household's members. The repeat group then creates child case records for each of the individuals. There is a follow-up form which updates the child case records of the individuals. The child case list for individuals is a sub-menu to the household parent case list it looks like this:
I first click on the household of interest, then the individual of interest and go to fill out a follow up form for that individual.
Everything works great until I try to open the follow up form for the individuals, when I get this error:

Any thoughts?

Hi Natalie,

That's an odd error. Are you doing anything custom or just using normal case management?

If you aren't doing anything custom, you will likely need to Report an Issue from CommCareHQ so someone can look into the issue. There are a few layers to how you have things configured that will be difficult to debug without inspecting directly.