Redeployment issues

Hey if any one can help would be best we have been able to manage to upgrade based on the change logs for commcare HQ , after the update /upgrade we have applied redeployment below issues pops up here the out put ,] out: 2022-12-08 15:58:23,187 INFO [dimagi.utils.couch.sync_docs] synced 'repeaters' in couchdb                                                 
[] out:                                                                                                                                           
[] out:                                                                                                                                           
[] out:         This migration cannot be run, as it depends on code that has since been removed.                                                  
[] out:         To fix this, follow the instructions below to run this migration from a previous version of the code.                             
[] out:         In order to prevent this in the future, we recommend running migrations at least once every 6 weeks.                              
[] out:         For reference, the current code has not run migrations for 5 days.                                                                
[] out:                                                                                                                                           
[] out:         Run the following commands to run the historical migration and get up to date:                                                    
[] out:             With a cloud setup:                                                                                
[] out:                 commcare-cloud <env> fab setup_limited_release --set code_branch=10f1b20a33ea07371e2b94c37e16ea81cfabcd53
[] out:                                                                                                         
[] out:                 commcare-cloud <env> django-manage --release <release created by previous command> migrate_multi fixtures
[] out:                                                                                                                              
[] out:                 commcare-cloud <env> deploy commcare                                               
[] out:                                                                                                                     
[] out:             With a development setup:                                                                                              
[] out:                 git checkout 10f1b20a33ea07371e2b94c37e16ea81cfabcd53                                 
[] out:                 ./ migrate_multi fixtures                                                                                 
[] out:                                                                                                              
[] out:         If you are sure this migration is unnecessary, you can fake the migration:                                           
[] out:             With a cloud setup:                                                                  
[] out:                 commcare-cloud <env> django-manage migrate_multi --fake fixtures 0008_sqllookuptables
[] out:                                                                                                                
[] out:             With a development setup:                                                              
[] out:                 ./ migrate_multi --fake fixtures 0008_sqllookuptables        
[] out:                                                                                                     
[] out:                                                                                                                     
Fatal error: sudo() received nonzero return code 1 while executing!                                                               

Requested: /home/cchq/www/echis/releases/2022-12-08_15.38/python_env/bin/python migrate_multi --noinput
Executed: sudo -S -p 'sudo password:' -H  -u "cchq"  /bin/bash -l -c "cd /home/cchq/www/echis/releases/2022-12-08_15.38 >/dev/null && /home/cchq/www/echis/re
leases/2022-12-08_15.38/python_env/bin/python migrate_multi --noinput"

[] Executing task 'send_email'

while running the above instructions and deploy commcare ,

the following is shown  commcare-cloud <env> django-manage --release <release created by previous command> populate_lookuptables  
    commcare-cloud <env> fab setup_limited_release --set code_branch=f829719365bca901f399bce0c543aeaa827fd630

    commcare-cloud <env> django-manage --release <release created by previous command> populate_lookuptables

    commcare-cloud <env> deploy commcare

    i used the following command:
        cchq echis deploy --set code_branch=f829719365bca901f399bce0c543aeaa827fd630 --branch=master
The issue  makes it to  be in loop ,for your information below change log throws an error

This issue has been fixed by working offline with the team.
fix step:
1.apply this command before the deploy:
commcare-cloud <env> django-manage migrate_multi --fake fixtures 0008_sqllookuptables

  1. deploy the code. cchq <env> deploy --branch=master, works like a charm