Query Forms on Phone Like We do Query the CaseDB

Dear CommCare Users,

I am just curious if there is a way I can query forms submitted for a given case? Is there such a thing as formdb like there is casedb?

Thanks and kind regards,

HI Chaiwa

There's no way to do that on the phone but perhaps if you describe your use case there may be another way to accomplish it.

Hi @Simon_Kelly, we are designing a Data Quality Assurance(DQA) module: We will need to sample the submitted reports(which are forms) for a given village(which is a case) and then automate the DQA Scores based on whether the submitted data matches that entered during the assessment. Currently the reports are simply follow-up forms on villages(cases), and the challenge is how to sample them(forms or reports) and systematically load their data into the DQA form for comparison during assessment.

Thanks and kind regards,

You could create a case for each of the submitted reports either as a child case of the village or with n property that allows you to search for them by village.

Then you could use a casedb query to select them in the DQA form.

One note of caution with this design is that the number of reports could grow quite large depending on how many villages a user is responsible for / how long the assessment goes on for etc. If you think that could be a problem then you'll need to find a way to close out old report cases either in the DQA form itself or manually via a case import or with an Automatic Case Update rule.