Newline characters lost after re-saving form in HQ formbuilder

Hi all,

Just FYI, that I added in a bunch of newline characters in the HQ
formbuilder (e.g. ) then deployed and it worked as expected. Today, I
edited the application but the newline codes were no longer saved in the
form (they appeared to be replaced with a space character), so upon
re-saving, all of the newlines were gone. I'll go back and add the newline
characters this time, but definitely a bug to be aware of.


··· -- Jonathan Payne, MS 615.579.5413 skype: jonathandavidpayne

Thanks Jon,

Have put this in our bug tracking system and will update out when it's


··· On Wed, Feb 6, 2013 at 1:55 PM, Jonathan Payne wrote:

Hi all,

Just FYI, that I added in a bunch of newline characters in the HQ
formbuilder (e.g. ) then deployed and it worked as expected. Today,
I edited the application but the newline codes were no longer saved in the
form (they appeared to be replaced with a space character), so upon
re-saving, all of the newlines were gone. I'll go back and add the newline
characters this time, but definitely a bug to be aware of.


Jonathan Payne, MS
skype: jonathandavidpayne

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