New and Improved: Multimedia Upload and Detailed Case View

Dear Users,

We've just updated two important features of CommCareHQ!

Easily see case and form details

We redesigned the individual case and form details pages. To see the
updates, navigate to the Case List and click on a Case, or navigate to the
Submission History and click on a form submission. We're hoping that these
updates, combined with the recently-updated ability to search the case list
for a specific case, will make it much easier to find and investigate
individual case records on CommCareHQ.

The case details page has an improved display of case properties as well as
the ability to browse the entire submission history for the case and see
individual form submission details without leaving the case page.

On the form details page, the form properties, case updates, and form
metadata now live in separate tabs so it's easier to see which is which.

Manage your multimedia

We've revamped the multimedia manager to make it easier for you to upload,
manage, and download your multimedia files. New features include:

  • Download only includes multimedia currently referenced in your
    application (no more old files!)
  • Bulk upload is more reliable and intuitive
  • The multimedia manager displays your multimedia in the order it
    appears in your application
  • Easily see the list of multimedia missing from the multimedia manager
    by clicking the "show only missing references" button

We hope you enjoy the changes! As always, your questions and feedback are
welcome and appreciated.
