Migrate data from cases to forms with Hidden Values

Hi all,

I have an app with three forms: Registration form, Follow up 1, Follow Up 2. Also I imported cases from Excel with the same varibles of the Registration form.

One of the variables that I imported is ID. I want to see that varible when I export Follow Up forms to merge cases with forms and perform my analysis in STATA. In other words, I want to merge the data imported from Excel (patient identification data), with the new clinical data gathered with Follow Up forms.

I already try with Hidden Values but I didn´t succed. May be Im doing something wrong.

Somebody have any idea of what I should do? Somebody with time to a call? Thank you very much for your support!


Hi Marcos,

Here's what you should try:

  1. Make sure that in the Registration From, you save the ID question as a Case Property.
  2. In the Follow up from create a question of type Hidden Value, and specify Default Value = ID Case Property.

Let me know if that works.

Senior Product Manager

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Hi Dev,

Thank you much. I´ll try.

Hi Marcos,

Were you able to make it work? Thanks.


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Hi Dev,

Yes. I followed your instructions. One important thing is to send new follow up forms after the incorporation of the hidden values. Then, when export forms, the data that you set up with hidden values are visible on Excel file.

Thank you much!