Mappings values in DET config file

Hi all,
trying to explore the best way to transform data using mapping values in DET Config file

tried adding mappings tab as well as three columns that is; Mapping Name, Source, and Destination.
This seems not to work, any ideas on this


What version of the DET are you using? (commcare-export --version)

The mapping should work as you describe. Perhaps check your configuration against the docs here: DET Tips and Tricks - CommCare Public - CommCare Public

Hi Simon,

I am having an Issue with mapping DET excel config query file with two sheets, with the parent table and child table. It works fine when I am mapping values in only one sheet.

Let me know how this can be fixed when handling DET config file with two sheets parent sheet and with a child sheet containing repeat groups data


Mappings do with with multiple sheets. You need to have a single Mappings sheet which contains all the mapping for all sheets.